Distinguishing Dangerous Goods: Hazard Class 6

An informed hazardous materials shipper is a safer hazardous materials shipper. In fact, getting the proper information about your hazardous goods—and putting that information into practice—is the only way to make your goods safe for shipping. If you’re anything less than totally informed, you’re putting your business, your employees and the environment at risk. That’s why the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for international hazmat labeling exists.

As the pre-eminent hazmat shipping and packaging experts, Air Sea Containers believes in helping our customers to have all of the most critical information on GHS classifications. We’ve covered lots of tips for GHS hazard classes 1 through 5 in our columns, and now it’s time for something a little different: hazard class 6, the category that covers toxic and infectious substances. These substances have a wide range of different rules governing their transport, and they also can be among the most dangerous hazmat substances if not handled properly. Let’s dive in to find out what the key considerations are.

sign displaying chemical hazard

What Goods Are in Hazard Class 6?

Hazard class 6 covers poisonous and infectious substances, two types of goods that pose grave threats to health and safety if mishandled. The category’s general definitions of its divisions are:

  • Division 6.1: Poisonous substances. These substances pose a substantial threat of injury or death through inhalation, skin contact or ingestion. Gases, however, are typically not included in this category, with the exception of tear gas.

  • Division 6.2: Biohazardous substances. These substances can be reasonably suspected to contain some kind of pathogen, such as a virus, bacteria or fungus.

Some of the commonly shipped goods in hazard class 6 include:

  • Cyanide compounds.

  • Lead-based compounds.

  • Tear gas.

  • Medical waste.

  • Laboratory cultures of pathogenic organisms.

  • Human and animal tissue with reasonable suspicion of pathogenic infection.

Rules of Shipping for Hazard Class 6

Hazard class 6 contains a huge range of threats, so it’s critical to know and obey the specific instructions for each substance. Infectious substances, in particular, can be difficult to contain if their packaging is breached. The only acceptable way is to avoid mistakes in the first place but to be as prepared as possible to deal with any issues.

united states department of transportation class 6 warning labels

How Air Sea Can Help You Ship Your Hazard Class 6 Materials

No matter which class and no matter the challenges, Air Sea Containers gives you cost-effective options to deal with hazmat shipping. We’ve got some great performance shipping solutions for hazard class 6 goods that demonstrate our true commitment to safety:

truck driver engineer checking recycling list

Shipping hazard class 6 goods demands strict attention to detail in following best practices. Every day, Air Sea Containers strives to make hazmat shipping the safest and most headache-free experience possible—so if you need help or information, don’t hesitate to call us at (866) 596-9448! We love to help our customers find their perfect hazmat solutions.
